Archive forgoogle

Google Free Web Page Creator

Dam, now google wips up a free home page / website for all it’s account holders!

Check out mine at… (everyone gets their own subdomain)

So, anyone can have a free page hosted by…

It’s a WYSIWYG editor, so you don’t need to know any HTML, just point-and-click.

You get 100MB of webspace.

Google really has got almost everything in the bag already.
This means, you can make something available to your friends/family pretty easily.

A few years behind Yahoo!’s Briefcase, where you can make files available across the web to your self or to friends.

Yahoo! also has – where you can share your photos in a nice album.
All free of course.

This web page creator is still in beta in the Google Lab’s, but it’s in working condition of course 🙂

Go ahead, create your own page! Remember to link to 😛

You need a google account of course. If you need a free google account invitiation, comment here.

Want to create an online photo tour of your vacation to Bali? An overview of the South American precipitation cycle for your science class? A shrine to your pet ferret?

Now’s your chance. We’re testing a new product that makes creating your own web pages as easy as creating a document in a word processor. Google Page Creator is a free tool that lets you create web pages right in your browser and publish them to the web with one click. There’s no software to download and no web designer to hire. The pages you create are hosted on Google servers and are available at for the world to see.

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gmobile – gmail from anywhere

There is a sourceforge project called gmail-mobile . It allows you to check/send your gmail via your mobile/cellphone with your WAP browser (web browser).

Very neat application.

Unlike google’s own, gmobile can be used from anywhere. (Do not need to be from the USA on a specific network)

I have it running on my server here. Visit with your mobile/cellphone.

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