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New MXit Version 5 Download on PC

UPDATE: Click here – — !!! New Run MXit V5 on PC !!! — for instructions!

The easiest way is to go to on your computer and proceed to download. It should tell you “Load v5.0 for Nokia-6270”
When you click Normal at the end of all the questions it will give a .jad file to save.
Save this .jad file to your computer, then
open that .jad file in MPowerPlayer!
This always works!

You will have to do this everytime you want to run MXit Ver. 5 on your computer

If you don’t want to download MXit everytime you want to Run MXit v5 then follow these instructions:
Yes, the .jar file linked to in the .jad expires after a while. So you need to save it on your computer because it expires on the server.

Here’s howto:

  1. Open the .jad file in Notepad,
  2. then download the file specified in it next to “MIDlet-Jar-URL: ”
    (Copy paste that URL into your internet browser; for example:
  3. Then, change the “MIDlet-Jar-URL: ” line in notepad to just have the XXXXXX.jar part in it. (for example “MIDlet-Jar-URL: 4195495727f67.jar”.
  4. Then have the .jar you downloaded and the .jad in the same directory, and open the .jad file in MPowerPlayer.

There we go 🙂

OR, If you are desperate to use any MXit, you can still use the old MXit V3.0 .jar!
Download this MXit jar (or this MXit jar) to your computer and open it with MPowerPlayer!
MXit V3 – MPowerPlayer Quick Start Link
MXit V3 – MPowerPlayer Quick Start Link – Slower.

You can change your number on MXit 5 via MPowerPlayer by doing the following:

* Download MXit from from your PC. (You will save a .jad file to your computer)

* Open the .jad file with Notepad.

* Change this line:
MIDlet-1: MXit,/icon.png,MXit
to something like:
MIDlet-1: MXitDEF,/icon.png,MXit
which makes MPowerPlayer think it is a new program and won’t remember your login number.

* Save the .jad file.

Open the .jad in MPowerPlayer (File->Open).

You will have to do this change everytime you want to use that number you associated with MXitDEF. Beause the .jar link in the .jad expires after a while.


Once again, DEF is on the forefront of MXit on PC 🙂
Bringing you the newest information first!

OK, MXit version 5 has just been released! (September 2006)

And it’s hectic!

Changelog OR What’s new in v5

The main new features in version5 are:

  • File sharing
  • Picture Messaging
  • Change status
  • List of smileys
  • Conversation Saving

MXit Version 5.x for PC

The official MXit for PC client isn’t available yet.
So, in the meantime, to take advantage of all the cool features you have to use an emulator for MXit on your computer.

OK, things have changed slightly since the last version of MXit when it comes to running it on MPowerPlayer.

1) Download these two files:

Save them in the same place on your computer.

2) Open the .jad file in MPowerPlayer

Click here to start MPowerPlayer!

And off you go, MXit 5 for computer!

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Free MTN sms – via wap

Free MTN sms – South Africa.

MTN logo

And so, I’ve created the third sms wap site!

By popular demand (ok, a few requests), I created a free interface for their 5 free daily sms. It wasn’t as bad as I thought.

What’s cool about registering on is that anyone can register (i.e. even vodacom and CellC customers).

MTN give you 5 free sms per day to other MTN numbers.


Just one left now… virgin mobile ZA!

Comments (17)

Motorola browser scrolling problem – fix

There was a scrolling issue going around about some Motorola’s (E398 and V3 Razr, as far as I know) that wouldn’t be able to scroll some web pages with it’s builtin web browser.

Motorola logo

Some people would tell me they couldn’t scroll on some of my wap pages sometimes, and it’s not exactly easy to reproduce if you don’t have a Motorola to test with 🙂

So, I saw it came up on the hawhaw mailing list: and decided to test it.

Here is what I found…

Thanks, looks like I’ve found something.

SUMMARY: Don’t use “position:relative;” in CSS for a mobile page for some Motorola’s.

See, (and up to 7.php).

A motorola V3 Razr fails to scroll on every one except the 7.php one;

The difference: the main <div> looks like this on the broken ones:
<div style=”text-align:left; position:relative;”>
The one that works has
<div style=””> So, clearly it’s an issue with DIVs and STYLEs on some Motorola’s;

I tested more to see if it’s “text-align:” causing the issue or “position:”.
I used (up to d.php) for this;

a.php and c.php are OK. b.php and d.php FAIL on the V3 Razr.

The difference:
b and d have “position:relative” in either the div class or the .body CSS.

So, the fix would be to NOT have “position:relative” as a style in a WAP page for some Motorola’s.

The value of text-align: does not affect this bug.

I see in the file it says:

// position:relative is needed to work-around MSIE’s Peekaboo bug …

What version of IE is this referring to?
I removed it from my and it seems fine in IE.

Glad this is hopefully solved 🙂



There is nothing the end-user can do about this issue, but if you do find a webpage that can’t scroll on your Motorola at least you know what to suggest as a fix to the website owner 🙂

Motorola, I hope you’ve fixed this bug already!

Comments (1)

MXit – “PC edition”- MPowerPlayer fix

MPowerPlayer information here ->


It has been fixed already!

I contacted MPowerPlayer, and it got fixed 🙂
So, everything back to normal, people 🙂
No changes needed. Just File->Exit and relaunch the player and it should update to the newest version.

Thanks so much — with that I was able to duplicate and fix the problem

Please update to the latest (1199) and you should be all set.

Thanks again,
– Michael

MPowerPlayer Logo


Recently a bug crept into MPowerPlayer…

The problem is with the current version of MPowerplayer – if you say “Always” when it trys to connect with MXit, it can’t connect, MXit will say: “Re-connecting” and then Login / Registration failed: You could not be logged onto the MXit service. Please ensure that your GPRS service is set up and available.

“This application is attempting to access the network. Do you want to allow this application to access the network.”

You must say “yes” everytime…

If you’ve already said “always”, well, I came up with a fix 😀

Well, if you want to know how to logout or use MPowerPlayer on one computer for different MXit users then…
Click here for more info!

At least this bug was good for something: It made me write up how to login with multiple accounts on MXit with MPowerPlayer!

Something I learnt recently: The noisiest wheel gets the most attention.

Comments (16)

MXit help!

MXit Logo

People seem to look for help with MXit anywhere that there is a “Submit” button available.

Even the network providers get inandated with calls for help with MXit!

Here are your choices for help with MXit:

1) – This page has phone information, set up settings, MXit free download and more.

2) – The forum. Here you can ask anything you want. There is a great guy, Glenn, who is just waiting to help you!

Either way, you will get help setting up your mobile cellphone.

So, if you are having MXit problems, you know where to go 🙂

Good luck and enjoy…

Welcome to the evolution.

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