Hello world!
I’m sick of blogs. and other useless sites
No-one cares about reading your stupid life events that you think are important.
Blogs are like magazines. Or magazines are like blogs.
People decide, let’s start a magazine about ‘whatever’ just because they think of one or two editions that they can fill with content.
But then after that? spam. Magazine dies. End of story.
Just put content where it’s due! Don’t go create a whole new blog just because you are going to post one cool link or something!
Collaboration people!
And don’t promise “I’m going to update/post regularly“, or even worse, “every day!“. Yeah right. Gimme a break. I’ve seen tons of sites that are like that.
Because, frankly, you won’t. You carry on with your real life.
September 11th, 2006 14:13
Saluton Mondo
September 5th, 2008 21:10
I totaly agree with u. If they dont make false promisess to u, they just “place”ure ad and forget u. They are wasting ure money. If u happen to come upon a website that interests u, they keep takink u in circles. Click here,click there and u never get to the point. Sis