def ZA @ mxit
It is my pleasure to offer you a position as Student Developer in our dynamic team of IT specialists at Clockspeed Mobile. Your commencement date will be 6 June 2006 and the last day of employment will be 21st July 2006.
We look forward to your favourable response.
Oh, yeah, thank you very much Clockspeed / MXit for the Vacation/Holiday Job!
I am very excited and honoured to be working with this great team!
A Group of Web AddiCT(s); Said,
June 10, 2006 @ 4:47 pm
Guess who’s working for MXit?…
The GPRS genius (DefZA) has started his holday work at MXit !
Congrats DefZA. I’ve been itching to post this since he 1st told me about it as we all knew he’d get it. Enjoy
Would we be seeing in integration of sending free Vodaom 4me SMS&…
June 21, 2006 @ 12:17 pm
pls could you make a plan to make samsung e700 work on mxit
def says:
Mmmm… apprantly it`s an instrinsic problem with the phone itself… dunno if it can be fixed…
help needed Said,
June 22, 2006 @ 5:23 pm
hi can u please sort out mxit-the pc version. I used to be able to use the pc version from this site however it isnt working anymore because the link has been removed
def says:
Oh my gosh, thank you!
Argh, I was updating the page, then my internet went bad and left out half the page!
It\’s back 🙂
Jody Said,
July 8, 2006 @ 1:16 am
Hey u!
dawie Said,
July 9, 2006 @ 11:38 pm
dude u the best gig
my mxit on da pc gets my frndz mxit help plz i got 2 fones wid da sme numba but wid different passwords help plzzz Said,
July 29, 2006 @ 11:57 am
my mxit on da pc gets my frndz mxit , i got 2 fones wid da same numba but wid different passwords help plzzz
def says:
Do you mean you want to run MXit on the PC for two people?
Well, read up here:
It will tell you how!
Danger Rae Said,
October 20, 2006 @ 4:48 pm
hey ppl just wana say defza rocks! im totaly hookd on da mxit pc version and it makes life sOoOoOoOoOo much easier!!! keep up da gud work man…