iTunes U: Free Audio and Video Lectures (Education)
In a previous post I made on audio books etc, I listed some free sources of audio books and MP3’s for you to listen to on your iPod (MP3 Player), or Mobile CellPhone or any portable device. For those times that you spend waiting/travelling.
NEW: Apple, the legends, iTunes brought out iTunes U , U stands for University I guess.
iTunes U has arrived, giving higher education institutions an ingenious way to get audio and video content out to their students. Presentations, performances, lectures, demonstrations, debates, tours, archival footage — school is about to become even more inspiring.
Great, another place where you can get world class information for free.
Isn’t it amazing that the internet can allow me to get content from the top universities in the world, for free, from the comfort of my own country? – University and educational material (MP3’s etc) via iTunes!
Some universities’ iTunes U sites:
Mostly American universities.
Who will be the first South African university to have an iTunes.domain? or will help you.
Google also broadcasts the talks that are given at the Google Offices to the world for free. Again, without technology, those talks would have fallen only on the ears currently in the room. Now anyone can be there, without actually being there.
Check out my previous page: time management i for some more links.
geniosity Said,
August 11, 2007 @ 2:12 pm
Wow. And this is why I read blogs. To find what I would have missed any other way.
Looks like iTunes U will be added to my list of Podcasts and Audiobooks I listen to. Thanks for this.
dirona Said,
March 13, 2008 @ 12:43 pm
the problem of a brfoader view on the effectiveness of these project cant it be viewd laconicaly to people to absoirb the importance of it .